About Alaina Natural Beauty

The story behind Alaina


The world keeps changing. Change can be good or bad. The struggle of life in most cases, if not all, should be towards good. One of these goods is the betterment of humanity: better conditions for ourselves and our future generations.

This is in essence the point of our motto which is: a beautiful and intelligent life. I always had concern about the products that I used for my skin before I moved to the healthy options. These products were used, changed to some other products, used again and changed again. Such products included expensive ones, cheap ones, some worked and others seemed to work. But at the back of the mind there was always that concern about the chemicals used in these products and the controversies around them.

However, that concern was just concern but no action as no attempt was made to get of the circle where the fashion media bombarded the senses with the usual adverts. I was at the edge of that damn circle but never stepped out. But then change came. We humans sometimes need a final push, a motivation to move out of our bubble that we make for ourselves. For me this was in the form of my first child. I got pregnant and suddenly all these expensive products looked like poison vials ready to get to my flesh and blood. This was when I decided I have to look for something that is not only healthy and effective but also environmentally friendly and cruelty free. And if I wasn’t able to find I would make them myself. Luckily, I found a whole realm of these green, healthy, organic, natural, nutritious, effective products with a whole lot of hard work put into them.


I bought them, read about them, I used them and I was on cloud nine. They were real! How have many of us ignored these products? How have most of us been ignorant about these products? An idea was taking birth in my mind. At this point I was becoming the person who was asked for advice by friends and family members regarding skincare.

First in line, my hubby! Shaving was an immense undertaking for him. From razor cuts to ingrown hairs to inflamed skin. He started using the products I advised and no more complaints. Second-in-line, my mommy! The years of hard work under the sun had taken a toll on her skin. The dark patches of dead skins, the bags under the eyes. The natural organic products that I recommended changed her life. She looks like a young lady now! With the knowledge under my belt and with the deepest of concerns for good, I with the support of my hubby and family started Alaina Natural Beauty. We have instilled Alaina Natural Beauty with the essence of honesty and integrity in spirit. Therefore, my endeavour is to hunt for the best of the best and bring them to my closer to my fellow humans.